Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy Principles of Design

Goldsworthy Inspired Sculpture

The Task: Create an Andy Goldsworthy inspired sculpture and demonstrate the principles of design.

The Plan: Evolve through sketching, consider the elements, and create an aesthetic sculpture that achieves balance and conveys the principles of design.  Document through photography.

The Obstacle: Utilizing natural materials, create an aesthetically pleasing outdoor composition, consider the elements around as an extension of the sculpture.

The Result: An unexpected snowstorm modified my Goldsworthy inspired sculpture. Adjusting my original plans, I utilized the elements around to create the sculpture.

My Synopsis: This project might appear to be rudimentary, but it was quite difficult. I sketched out my plan in advance and prepared all the materials the night before, but woke up to snow. Unable to drive, I was forced to leave my materials behind and used the land to inspire. Natural materials are difficult to work with, it has a life of its own – it fell, it crumbled, it crashed, and I had to adjust. As the sculpture composed through time, I liked it more. This form of art is meditative.

The Reaction: During the construction, two people came up and talked to me about the sculpture. The first person was a gentlemen who told me that this was a really cool art project. The second person was a female architect who worked for a local firm. She was very interest in the project and ask if I were a local artist. She then processed to tell me creative skill sets are extremely important and valued by employers, and right up her company’s ally. The majority of the people stared and avoided the area during the construction. One lady picked up her large dog and carried it away from the sculpture.


“A snowball is simple, direct and familiar to most of us. I use this simplicity as a container for feelings and ideas that function on many levels.” – Andy Goldsworthy


“I enjoy working in a quiet and subversive way.” – Andy Goldsworthy


“People also leave presence in a place even when they are no longer there.” – Andy Goldsworthy


“Ideas must be put to the test. That’s why we make things, otherwise they would be no more than ideas. There is often a huge difference between an idea and its realization. I’ve had what I thought were great ideas that just didn’t work.” – Andy Goldsworthy


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“Confrontation is something that I accept as part of the project though not its purpose.” – Andy Goldsworthy

Organic Composure through Time

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